Friday 5 June 2015


The first session of #ListenUp June Edition aired today and I must tell you it was fantastic! Our Special Guest in the house, Boye Oloyede was phenomenal!

See below the compiled tweets for your reading pleasure. #ReadRestRelaxAndReflect on them. Truly, to attain a substantial height in life especially in our relationship, we need to make conscious and deliberate effort to MIND OUR ATTITUDE AND HEARTITUDE.

It's a privilege for me to be here with @kemi_odutayo, discussing Mind Your Attitude & Heartitudes #ListenUp

1. The story was told about a man who made a living selling balloons at a fair. He had all colours of balloons, #ListenUp

3. including red, yellow, blue and green. Whenever business was slow, he would release a helium-filled balloon into the air #ListenUp

4. & when the children saw it go up, they all wanted to buy one. They would come up to him to buy and his sales would go up again. #ListenUp

5. He continues this process all day. One day, he felt someone tugging at his jacket. #ListenUp

6. He turned around and saw a little black boy who asked, "If you release a black balloon, would it also fly?" #ListenUp

7. Moved by the boy's concern, the man replied with empathy, #ListenUp

8. "Son, it is not the colour of the balloon, it is what is inside the balloon that makes it go up". #ListenUp

9. It's not your colour, beauty, circumstance, background, qualification, connections, bank account etc that make you rise in life.#ListenUp

10. It is your #attitude and #heartitude that determines whether you rise or how high you rise. #ListenUp

11. #Attitude is, 'A predisposition or tendency to respond positively or negatively towards an idea, object, person, or situation.'#ListenUp

12. It is the way you think or feel about something, someone or a situation that determines your behavior. #ListenUp

13. It influences your choice of action and reaction to stimuli - challenges, incentives, and rewards. #ListenUp

14. #Heartitude, I will define as the disposition/state of your heart at any given time. #ListenUp

15. Ur #attidude –outward expression of feelings, belief & action- is pivotal to your success. Requires utmost attention. #ListenUp

16. Minding your #attitude & #heartitude is your number 1 responsibility. #ListenUp

17. "Above everything else, guard your heart;
for it is the source of life's consequences." ~ King David #ListenUp

18. Your circumstance is the product of your attitude & heartitude. My pastor @sam_adeyemi often say, 'First within, then without'.#ListenUp

19. You are the Honourable Minister of your Ministry of Internal Affairs. Life is only a reflector of your heart. #ListenUp

20. Attitude shapes perception. Your attitude and heartitude is the goggle through which you see the world. #ListenUp

21.  Life reflects the undergirding principle of computing – GIGO –Garbage in, Garbage out. #ListenUp

22. Should I say, Garbage inside, Garbage outside? #ListenUp

23. There are things within our can control and a whole lot more outside our control #ListenUp

24. Frustration and worry stems from trying to control things that are outside our control. #ListenUp

25. You may not have had control over the hand life dealt you but good news is your attitude is 100% within your control. #ListenUp

23. Les Brown said, 'If life knocks you down make sure you land on your back, because if you can look up, you can get back up!'#ListenUp

24. No test or temptation that comes ur way is beyond the course of what others have had to face. All you need to remember is that…#ListenUp

25. God will never let you down; he'll never let you be pushed past your limit; he'll always be there to help you come through it. #ListenUp

26. So, how do you react to failure, disappointment or a bad day? Big pointer to whether you have the right attitude or not. #ListenUp

27. Opportunities get passed a man or woman with negative attitude everyday #ListenUp

28. Because they are usually concerned with what the other person have that they don't. #ListenUp

29. Local saying,'If yam is pounded on a leaf, and its soup prepared in a groundnut shell. He who'll be satisfied will be satisfied'#ListenUp

30. In other words, however bad the circumstance or economy may be, some people still get to make it. Decide to be part of the few. #ListenUp

31. Your attitude towards problems will determine your rate of promotion. #ListenUp

32. The story of David & Goliath is a classic case. #ListenUp

33. Others saw a big fellow, David saw a slow fellow. Everybody saw a terrorist, David saw shortcut to national recognition. #ListenUp

34. "It isn't what you have or who you are or where you are or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy… #ListenUp

35. It is what you think about it." ~ Dale Carnegie Attitude shapes perception #ListenUp

36. "We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses." ~Abraham Lincoln #ListenUp

37. "Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: #ListenUp

38. …the last of the human freedoms - to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way" ~Viktor Frankl #ListenUp

39. Developing the right attitude does not come easy. Like every asset, it comes with a price but the effects are priceless. #ListenUp

40. Is a great attitude a product of nature or nurture? Are people born with it or they develop it? #ListenUp

41. Great attitude is more of nurture than nature. #ListenUp

42. Some temperaments are naturally upbeat, still we must intentionally develop our attitudes. #ListenUp

43. Upbeat outlook often gets beaten up by life. #ListenUp

44. How do you then mind your attitude and heartitude? #ListenUp

45. Pay attention to your attitude. How you think, feel, and react to situation and people. #ListenUp

46. Learn to slow down and query yourself – asking why you reacted or felt in a certain way towards something or someone #ListenUp

47. This forces you to become self-aware which is the starting point to emotional mastery. #ListenUp

48. Learn to process your thoughts and feelings then affirm if your disposition is positive or negative. #ListenUp

49. If negative, tell yourself - mind/heart how you want to respond should such situation present itself again in the future. #ListenUp

50. This approach I have found to be helpful. It may feel awkward in the beginning, with practice it becomes second nature. #ListenUp

51. Asking Why of why of why of why of why of your attitude helps uncover the belief system responsible. #ListenUp

52. Yrs back, noticed I developed a negative attitude towards a colleague. My feelings & reaction towards the person became toxic. #ListenUp

53. At the bottom of my Why quest was a belief that this person took an opportunity that I felt I was most qualified for. #ListenUp

54. Do a 360-degree attitude check. Do you have the right attitude towards yourself, spouse, family, and colleagues #ListenUp

55. What kind of internal dialogue do you have? It's called Self-Talk and we all engage in it. #ListenUp

56. Your self-talk affects your self-image, which shows in your attitude and ultimately, affects your performance. #ListenUp

57. Learning something new recently, I became conscious of my self-talk while I had setbacks in training. I was amazed. #ListenUp

58. I was telling myself, 'You can do this'; 'You are a natural'; 'You are getting there'. This realization for me was amazing. #ListenUp

59. Years back that internal dialogue was more like, 'Give up'; 'You can never do it'; 'You think it's easy'. #ListenUp

60. Such self-talks shape our self-image and also affect how we treat other people. #ListenUp

61. Be grateful for who you are, where you are and what you have. Grateful people attract great people. #ListenUp

62. Take in positive information. Invest in your mind. Read books. I'll recommend 'Attitude is Everything' by Keith Harrell. #ListenUp

63. Read bk of Proverbs in the Bible. Try the Message Translation. Haven't found a better resource for developing a grt attitude. #ListenUp

64. Look up. Pray. Ask God for help. He answers. I am sure He'll answer you. #ListenUp 

65. Change your association. [Your Face Mirrors Your Heart] You use steel to sharpen steel, and one friend sharpens another. #ListenUp

66. Give yourself time to change. #ListenUp

67. Took time to develop ur full-blown romance with negative, limiting attitudes of worry, murmuring,& victim-mentality. #ListenUp

68. Do you have the right disposition towards our nation? #ListenUp

69. Thank God for the new Nigerian government, the excitement that greeted the inauguration was electrifying. #ListenUp

70. We should all reflect the excitement and renewed hope in our attitude towards one another and the nation at large. #ListenUp

71. The change we desire to see in our nation starts with us. We must be the change we desire to see in others #ListenUp

72. No nation excels or develops without the citizens –not government- taking responsibility for it and doing their part. #ListenUp

73. Complaining about our nation doesn't get anything done. We must all have an ownership attitude. #ListenUp

68. We must be ready to pay the price for the future that we all desire. #ListenUp

69. Rome was not built in a day and Romans didn't fold their hands thinking 'God will do it' #ListenUp

70. Anytime you wake up, count it a privilege to be alive. Go out and make the most of what you have. Everyday is a great day! #ListenUp

71. Do these things and watch yourself soar. #MindYourAttitude #ListenUp

72. Now, go and succeed! #MindYourAttitude #ListenUp

Thank you @kemi_odutayo once again for giving me this privilege to share. #ListenUp

Till next week when another inspiring and motivating sedsion comes your way, MIND YOUR ATTITUDE AND HEARTITUDE!

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