Sunday 30 March 2014

'Dating' with a mission! (DAM)

Hello! The month of March is almost over. The first quarter of year 2014! I want us to examine our lives; take stock to see how far we have come. Let's ask ourselves questions. Chief among which is, 'Will doing what I am presently engaged in bring me closer to the realisation of my goals for 2014?' If no, we need to retrace our steps! I ask for mercy and supernatural speed this year for us all in Jesus name.

In my last post, 'IF NOT DATING; WHAT NEXT?' I expanded on the concept of dating and what Singles will do well to observe. It was actually a sequel to my post on DATING; A TIME WASTING VENTURE OR WHAT?

In our ongoing discussion about #Dating via my twitter handle @kemi_odutayo, we were able to establish that 'Dating' as the world calls it today is not found in any biblical context and strange to our culture. The way to go, to be certain you are on the right track still remains 'ASKING GOD'! This is a sure banker as only Him can detect the clear intent of a man or a woman's heart. No amount of dinner dates, background checks, sleepovers etc can tell you the true nature of this 'homo sapien'! Only God can!

And this brings us to today's topic!
I call it DATING WITH A MISSION! Finding out if she or he is the one! This is no 'test driving'! This is friendship with the sole aim of confirming what God is already telling you in that small still voice! To confirm that impression he's already putting in your spirit.

It goes without saying that to know this, you need to have developed a relationship with God your maker. You need to know how he leads and talks to you! This doesn't just develop in that critical stage you are looking for your choice of a life partner. You need to let God lead you! The choice of a spouse is a life changing decision and you can't avoid to leave it to chance! You can't afford to gamble with your destiny! So, hearing God is key.

Let's paint a little scenario, you enter a restaurant and you spotted this attractive lady sitting by herself at a table.(I am a firm believer of the school of thought that you can meet your spouse anywhere! That's why background check is important to be as well!) In this instant you can't just walk up to her and say I want to court you! You extend a hand of friendship. You probably exchange numbers and decide to meet up later for more face to face discussions.
Another scenario, which is safer. You noticed her in church, a friend's place/party, in class etc. I say safer because its easier to work yourself into her circle of friends to make enquiry about her and also to observe her.

All the while you are praying to God earnestly to speak to you concerning her. You must have prayed and thought hard about it before even approaching her. You might even hear God telling you clearly not to make that move. Or, God will cause events to unfold before you to make you decide not to make a contact again.

It might even be after making contact! In the next 2/3 encounters, you can perceive you are going in opposite directions in life. You might discover your value system are totally divergent or your religious beliefs differs! It is very important to consider spiritual compatibility before making a marital commitment. The bible say can two work together unless they agree?

Hearing from God is a privilege we have as children of God and we need to explore it! Acknowledging God in all our ways reduces our likelihood of error. Hearing from God is not a gift but an act learnt by reason of interaction with God. It can be likened to the way a child grows up to discern between the voice of the mother or father after hearing it over and over again over a period of time!

Sometimes peoples' voices are a distraction to our ability to hear from GOD. The voices of friends, families, even pastors at times. You need to hear God for yourself! One important key to ascertain you are hearing from God is that God's instruction to you will NEVER NEVER contradict His Words in the scriptures!
A biblical example is David. He took advantage of his alone time in the bush to cultivate his relationship with God. Ladies and gentlemen!

My submission? Especially now that you are still single and foot loose?
1)Spend time in His presence
2)Feed on the Word to enhance your spiritual maturity
God will never contradict Himself. If you don't know the Word, the devil will take advantage of you. Anything contrary to d TRUTH is trash&must be treated as such
Know the Word, its God's language
3)Practice hearing from God; experiment and give yourself room to make mistake and with time your level of accuracy gets better! So that when that time of choosing finally comes, you won't be confused.
4)Be committed to obey God because direction brings distinction to people .

God can get across to you via the following ways:
1)Inner witness
2)Audible voice
6)His servants\other people

Finally, its not until its spectacular that its God. And in case you are yet to give your life to God, this is another opportunity. Ask Him to come into your life. Tell Him you are tired of being confused and living your life on a trial and error basis. Invite Him into your heart and start your life afresh!

Till my next post...keep seeking Him and you will find Him!

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